AFTN Forum Gold: Bygone Levenmouth
The AFTN forum is sadly no more. Some will no doubt be very happy about that. It was a polarising place which some loved and some loathed. But it did have some real quality posts on it over its 15 years. Gone but not forgotten, and we took some screen grabs from some of the most popular and best posts from over the years, which we’ll bring to you in this AFTN Forum Gold section of the site.
Off all the threads on the AFTN Forum over the years, the most popular one without a doubt was the one about Bygone Levenmouth. A trip down memory lane of the shops, the people, and the moments that shaped the Levenmouth area over the years.
The thread had a staggering 453 posts and ran, with constant updates, from 2010 till the forum closed down in 2016. And while the infamous AFTN forum may not be around any more, we’ve salvaged these posts via screengrabs and bring them all to you in their wonderful glory below. It’s a long read and scroll, but revisit, reminisce, and enjoy, and you can also keep the chat going now in the comments.